After submitting payment, we will connect you with the artist via email to share photos of your pet. Photos that capture personality are preferred!
$2000. Oil on Wood Panel. Approximately 7"x 8".
Submit payment for your commission here.
We are currently accepting a limited number of commissions for Valentine's Day delivery.
Please contact us at with any questions.

Alexis England has been animal obsessed all of her life- "You could say they are my religion." Brought up in England and the US she divided her life between her two talents, music and art. Having spent her early years as a singer she now spends all of her time in the studio in Dutchess County, New York. When not working on her personal more expressionist pieces she paints commissioned pet portraits. Working in oils on canvas or wood panel, her subjects are mainly dogs and cats but of course she is happy to immortalize any beloved animal.